Thursday, August 19, 2004

discombobulated me...

I realize that I have spent so much time today (by the way-just saw a blog link to Prison Pete-anyone read this blog?) waxing philosophic (I do a lot of waxing) on other people's blogs that I am neglecting my own (and leaving the biz blog dry). But I digress....

My mind is racing today, so this will be a disjointed puzzle of a posting, simply so I can throw out some ideas...Bear with me.These are some topics I am thinking about exploring further, but with the approval of my beloved readers (all 5 of you). Feel free to put the kibosh on any of the following:

- vegetarianism and farm animal rights
- self-publishing
- why I am sick of political blogs
- Gaia Theory
- traveling cheaply
- Seasonal Affective Disorder
- The Metrosexual down the hall
- why Daniel Lanois is cooler than you
- egocentricity
- immigrating to Canada
- crones
- genetic engineering
- documentaries

By the way, and as a follow-up to the urban homesteading post, I happened to watch a program on green living the other night, and they spotlighted a Toronto homeowner who is doing some fantastic things to make his home more ecologically sound. He even collects rain water, which runs into a cistern in his backyard. I am enthusiastic and am considering calling my friend, Dave, who is slightly obsessed with natural energy. He can help me plot the construction of my urban "green" house.

Toronto also is the only city to use deep lake water to cool its urban buildings , thus decreasing use of electricity.

Cool, eh?

jane_crow, getting ready to take a cat nap


Blogger Sage said...

I read about Toronto's deep-lake-water cooling system and agree that it is *very* cool.

Immigrating to Canada, please, and whatever you're passionate about....

10:42 PM  

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